Sunday, September 29, 2013

Much to do about Apples

As the Busy Bee’s finish up three weeks of apples, we focused on apple recipes and yummy these little bees can cook.
We brought out our apple pie play dough (see below for recipe)
We made applesauce, tasted apple butter, made apple pie and ate mini caramel apples ((all recipes below))
The Busy Bees enjoyed apples and we are moving towards comparing pumpkins to apples…so roll up your sleeves and prepare to get messy!!!

Sorting apples…The children used plastic tweezers and sorted red, yellow and green pom poms.
Painting apples….using red, yellow and green
Tissue paper apples…the children cut their frames, then they tore tissue paper into small pieces (working on fine motor) using was paper and lots of glue , lay the frames onto wax paper and over lap the pieces of tissues paper to cover all glue and all openings.  After it dries gently pull away from the wax paper.  The children added stems and a leaf and we hung in our window sill.  Beautiful work Busy Bees!!
Apple predictions….The Busy bees cut one apple in half and one we poured Sprite on top and the other is left plain….The Busy Bee’s made predictions of what they think will happen and now we are observing to see whose prediction was correct…..
Creating with play dough is always fun…The children were given appleand shape cookie cutters and the creating is unlimited….
Apple Pie Play dough
 1 cup flour
¼ cup salt
½ Tsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. cream of tartar
½ tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup water
((((I normally double this to make enough for at least three students to have plenty of dough to create)))

In large pot combine all dry ingredients and mix well.
Add in your vegetable oil and (optional) food color), water  and stir.
Cook over medium heat until dough pulls away from the pot and starts to become dry.
Turn off heat, cool and kneed…sprinkle a little more flour if too sticky.

Crock Pot Applesauce
4 lbs Tart Apples sliced thinly
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Mix apples with cinnamon and sugar and put into crockpot.
Pour water and lemon juice over apples.  Cook on low for 6 hours or high for 3 hours.
((In the classroom I used the apple slicer to remove the core, then I removed the skin and allowed each student to come and count one to one six apples as they added them to the crockpot….)

Unfortunately it took way too long to make apple butter in the classroom so we had to purchase Apple Butter from our local grocery store.  I toasted bread for the students and we all tried apple butter with our toast….most of the children loved it!!!
Nothing says I love you more than Apple Pie….The Busy Bee’s worked hard on their apple pie and then we all had a GREAT afternoon snack!

The apple learning has been fun and endless…





Saturday, September 21, 2013

Amazing Applications....

I love technology and technology in the classroom is a way for the children to use the latest technology in their learning process.  I have been fortunate to introduce an iPad into the classroom and the available resources both online and through the apple app store is AMAZING!!*
iPad Applications

ABC – Alphabet - This application allows children to work on writing the letters of the alphabet both upper and lower case letters.  The application also takes in strokes encouraging children to form the letters correctly.   **** (Love this app)

Learn Numbers - This application ask children to recognize numbers using everyday items.  The app may say number 2 and it will use a street sign or address numbers.  This applies real life materials into the learning process.  ** great application for number recognition
Preschool Pop Quiz - I love this application for use of vocabulary.  Awesome app to use with English Language Learners, although it is timed and that frustrates the children it is a great application to see what vocabulary children recognize.
Storia - Free application offered through scholastic.  When registering Scholastic offers 5 free books.  This is a great reading application and the illustrations are shown on the page as well in color.  My Favorite thing about this app is that it READS to the children also!!! ***** Love, Love, Love this app!!!
Websites - I love this website because you can choose the level of learning you can choose the activity. - I use this website to help children play with letters.  The children can choose a letter and it plays with words that have the beginning letter and the beginning letter sound.  Also when studying a project of interest this website has some games around themes such as pumpkins, earth day, the gingerbread man, etc. - Similar to this website allows you to choose the grade level and the subject.  This website provides a great variety of resources at different learning levels. **
The Busy Bees and Technology

A Bushel of Apples

The Busy Bee’s are Buzzing about Apples. We have been extra Busy learning all about Apples.
Our Bubble Map…We started by asking the children what they know about apples…what color are apples, where can you get apples, to label the parts of the apple…as we started to learn and discover more and more we would revisit our bubble map and add to our learning. 
In math we counted apples for the apple trees…working on number recognition and one to one correspondence.  The Busy Bees also worked on number sequence by placing numbers into numeric sequence from 1 to 10.
We finger painted apples and made stain glass apples to hang around the classroom.  The stain glass apples worked on fine motor development as the Busy Bees cut the outlines out and tore the tissue paper. 
Our classroom is becoming the perfect apple orchard.
The Busy Bee’s were excited to learn that A is for apples.  We worked on Busy Bee names that begin with the letter A and that letter sound of letter A.  The Bees also worked on sorting and matching…we picked upper and lower case A apples to place in our basket while making the /a/ sound as we placed them in our basket.
The Busy Bee Orchard is Open and learning is taking place. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Open House

It’s the most exciting time of the year. As the Busy Bee’s entered the classroom each Bee was greeted at eye level by Mrs. McLean. “Good Afternoon_____, did you know I’ve been waiting to meet you.”
As each family signed in, it’s now time to explore and discover the hive... Let the FUN BEGIN!!!

Greeting the Bee’s as parents sign in...each family signs in so that I can later see who attended.  This is also a time that parents confirm home visit schedules.

Discovering the Busy Bee Hive and making lasting friendships already....there is no better place than the Classroom...Learning from the start!

The Busy Bee Hive setup.....2013

Welcome to the Busy Bee Hive class of 2013-2014…

the setup of the classroom is exciting and inviting….awaiting the Busy Bees.....