Monday, February 17, 2014

The Busy Bees are Reading!

Well the weather outside has been frightful but after a wonderful workshop with Ms. Heidi Butkus on "Guided Reading for Non Readers," I'm super proud to announce The Busy Bees are READING!
Day one of Guided reading.....I introduced our first book ((The Heart)) and our new words, we sounded out our words we wrote our word then we grabbed our crayons and colored the new words that we know from our book.
After coloring in our words I read our story to the group.  What an amazing first day!
Day two we looked at our books again and review our new words reviewing letters and those beginning letter sounds.  Then what fun I asked the Busy Bees to read the words that they I approached their word I paused...
Day three we had photos of our picture words, pocket charts and sentence strips.  I read the book pointing to each word on the pocket chart then asked them to read the story to me....I pointed to each word and WOW they read as if they have been waiting for this moment their entire life.  
By the end of day four and five my busy bees were reading the pocket chart and their book alone.  They took the books home on Thursday and shared their progress with their families...I'm such a proud Teacher!
For the Busy Bees who are not ready for the leap into reading....meeting each child where he or she currently is I was ready....upper and lower case letter recognition took place as well as beginning letter sounds.  Each group worked on five letters and the pride they took on knowing and accomplishment truly made me proud.
Upper lower case letter recognition!
Beginning letter sounds!