Sunday, October 13, 2013

Busy Bee Pumpkin Patch
The Busy Bee's has been busy learning all about we left our project of interest about apples we begin to make comparisons about the differences and similarities of pumpkins and apples.  We made many predictions and added new vocabulary.  We learned about where pumpkins come from and to the surprise of the Busy Bee’s they don’t only come from WalMart…but WalMart actually gets them from the pumpkin patch and not a pumpkin factor.  The Busy Bee’s did tear and past pumpkins and we created and is busy observing our Pumpkin Circle.
Cleaning out our pumpkin, we cut open a apple and reviewed our lesson about the sections of the apples.  We then talked about our pumpkin and to their surprise the pumpkin and the apple has similiarities such as a skin, seeds, and a stem but there is no core inside the apple, and pumpkins don't grow on a tree....Now the fun begins lets get our hands in there! 
The Pumpkin of my favorite pumpkin books the pictures are amazing and it allows us to discuss decomposing...The children read the book in our circle meeting and we discussed the cycle of pumpkins.  We then decided to create our very own Pumpkin Circle. We took one small pumpkin and cut it in half.  After placing our soil and pushing a few seeds into the soil to speed up the process a little more...the children had their own pumpkin circle. I encouraged the children observe the process and to draw or write about their observation.
Another favorite of mine....The Biggest Pumpkin Ever!!  We read the book and again decided to create our own BIGGEST PUMPKIN EVER...we took a class vote and believe it our not the children voted on a Pink Pumpkin....(yep)
We used a large excercise ball and covered it with newspaper strips that was dipped to make paper mache...once it dried the Busy Bees started painting...They also used the Biggest Pumpkin Ever to create Jack o Latern faces (kinda like Mr. Potato Head) (((We used liquid starch as a paper mache mix...easier and less mess)))

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