Saturday, January 25, 2014

There's still some learning in the Hive!!
The buzz in in celebration to the New Year and all the new things that are taking place within the Hive.  The Busy Bee's have been busy learning about a great variety of events within the hive.  We started our studies with the silly Gingerbread man, who believe it or not got loose in our school.  We went on a hunt and to our luck he left a note telling us where he was hiding and gave us permission to eat him up (YUMMY!!)  We read awesome books doing a comparison unit about "The Gingerbread Man," "The Gingerbread Boy," "The Gingerbread Girl," and for fun we discovered what made "The Gingerbread Girl go Animal Crackers."

As the Gingerbread Girl was going Animal Crackers the Busy Bee's begin talking about the cold weather and the two hour delays that were taking place due to inclement weather.  We then started our lesson on Winter. 
The children were digging through the snow to find their lost mittens.
(the snow is popcorn packing)
One to One counting snowmen activity.  The number is on the snowmen hat and the children had to add that many buttons to their snowman.  Great activity!!  Put the snowmen in a row and it becomes a great small group activity!

Putting mittens into numerical sequence.  Each mitten has a number and dot to match the number.  The groups worked on recognizing the number and putting it into the correct place.  Each group work on a different amount of numbers but the learning was truly endless.

ABC penguins.  The Busy Bees worked hard to put the daddy penguins in ABC order then helped them find their babies.  The babies (not pictured) were the penguin eggs with the lower case letter.  This group is rocking this activity....look carefully the letters are in order just a little backwards.

and of course you can't have a winter theme without discovering ICE...the Busy Bee's even got involved with the ice by adding it to water and talking about how they feel, what happens and how the ice feels.

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